Statutory Benefits Insurer Enters the New York Paid Family Leave (NY PFL) Market through RELATED

August 27, 2020

The Challenge

In 2017, a leading statutory disability insurer, established in New York (NY DBL) and New Jersey (NJ TDB), contracted RELATED to be its exclusive provider of New York Paid Family Leave (NY PFL) benefits. These benefits were a new and compulsory benefit for all employers effective January 1, 2018. Despite having an established track record and book of business, the company was cautious about entering a new market as the venture seemed too complicated, disruptive and cost prohibitive on top of managing existing systems and staff.

But RELATED stepped up to the challenge.

The Solution

Based on its flexible and scalable structure and systems, RELATED was able to seamlessly and easily rollout a compelling and competitive NY PFL product complete with best-in-class user experience for employers and their employees.

The Results

As part of its comprehensive offering, RELATED ensured carrier compliance with the various government agencies through its standard and ad hoc reporting suite. In addition, through RELATED’s efficiency and expertise, the carrier was able to ensure program profitability while avoiding formalized complaints from claimants to the governing agencies.